
Follow the Light

Therapeutic PC-Game
Reading time: 4 minutes

What it's about: Follow the Light was developed for people with motor impairments. The game aims to help them improve their computer operating skills.


People with motor impairments, especially in their hands and arms, often struggle to manage everyday tasks on their own. In particular, difficulties in operating digital devices make it challenging for them to lead an independent life. Despite the use of custom-made aids for operating a computer, such as specialized joysticks, even simple interactions can be exhausting and time-consuming, requiring much more effort and time for small tasks compared to individuals without disabilities.

Illustration einer Person im Rollstuhl, mit Fragezeichen über ihrem Kopf / Illustration of a person in a wheelchair with question marks over the head
A person with motor impairments is experiencing difficulties operating their personal computer


In an extensive research process, we applied methods such as "Be your own customer" to put ourselves in the shoes of our user group and generate important insights.

Illustration einer Person im Rollstuhl vor einem Computer, die einen Joystick hält / Illustration of a person in a wheelchair in front of a computer, holding a joystick
With an appropriate assistive device and our software "Follow the Light," the users can train and improve their computer operating skills

However, even more important were the over 30 user tests and interviews conducted with a total of 12 participants from Alsterarbeit GmbH, KJF Regensburg and Pfennigparade. In essence, we found out that while the typical conditions leading to motor impairments are not curable, therapeutic progress can be made in coping with the limitations.

The training software

The gameplay: In multiple levels, the player must collect light circles by hovering the cursor over them for a specific duration. This aims to train targeted mouse movement. As the levels progress, more light circles need to be collected.

Leuchtender Kreis in einer illustrierten Höhle, sowie eine Anzeige und ein Pause-Button / Glowing circle inside of illustrated cave, as well as an indicator and a pause button
Scene from the game

Additionally, in each level, three stars can be collected by mouse clicks to also train this interaction.

Two interactions are being trained: targeted mouse movement and mouse clicks

The movement speed and size of the light circles can be individually adjusted in the settings. Additionally, all levels can be played in easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels.

A guiding storyline

True to the game's name, the player follows lights that illuminate and show the way in the game. The backgrounds of each level are interconnected, weaving together to tell a story.

Illustration einer kleinen Brücke mit Laternen, sowie Bäumen und Berge im Hintergrund / Illustration of a small bridge with laterns, as well as trees and mountains in the background
Level 1
Illustration eines Waldes mit einem Wegweiser / Illustration of a forest with a signpost
Level 2
Illustration einer Waldlichtung / Illustration of a forest clearing
Level 3
Illustration einer Brücke in eine Höhle in Grautönen / Illustration of a bridge inside a cave in shades of grey
Level 4
Illustration einer Höhle / Illustration of a cave
Level 5
Illustration einer Höhle mit einem Wegweiser / Illustration of a cave with a signpost
Level 6
Illustration einer Tropfsteinhöhle mit See / Illustration of a stalactite cave with a lake
Level 7
Illustration eines Fels und der untergehenden Sonne hinter einem Berg / Illustration of a rock and the stetting sun behind a mountain
Level 8
Illustration eines Sees mit Bergen und einer Burg im Hintergrund / Illustration of a lake with mountains and a castle in the background
Level 9
Illustration eines Gebirgssees / Illustration of a tarn
Level 10
Illustration eines Zelts mit Lagerfeuer / Illustration of a tent and a campfire
Level 11
Illustration zweier Steinbrücken im Gebirge / Illustration of two stone bridges in the mountains
Level 12
Illustration einer Straße in einer mittelalterlichen Stadt / Illustration of a street inside of a medieval town
Level 13

The interface

Based on our user group, we identified several requirements for the interface design. An important aspect was a clear user guidance, achieved through elements such as the use of a prominent blue color for interactive components.

Hauptmenü des Spiels mit drei Buttons / Main menu of the game with three buttons
A simple and accessible main menu
Hauptmenü des Spiels mit zwei Buttons und einem gelb hervorgehobenen / Main menu of the game with two buttons and one highlighted in yellow
When moving the mouse over a button, it is highlighted prominently

By significantly enlarging the elements when hovering with the mouse and coloring the element yellow when clicked, a clear feedback situation is ensured. The degree of enlargement can be adjusted individually.

Levelauswahl / Levelselection
Level selection: The newly unlocked level is always positioned in the center

Since our participants often had visual or reading impairments, we paid special attention by selecting a highly legible font, used icons as visual aids, and minimized the amount of text in general.

Spieleinstellungen / Settings of the game
Settings for customizing the game elements
Einstellungen für Lautstärke und Buttons / Basic settings for volume and buttons
Further settings

The sliders in the settings have a large surface area, allowing them to be easily adjusted with simple mouse clicks. People with limited motor skills often face challenges with interactions that require simultaneous clicking and dragging of the mouse cursor, such as drag 'n' drop.

Want to try it?

Download Follow the Light for Mac or Windows here:

Follow the Light for MacOS
Follow the Light for Windows

Team partner
Jeremias Lange
Lennart Westendorf

Prof. Hans Krämer

Prof. Jens Döring

My role
Concept development, interface design, user research & testing, prototyping